Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 56

Avery,OH - Cleveland Heights,OH (63 miles)
So...I have been slacking on the blog posts.... I have every intention of going back later and adding some stories, but honestly, I have no idea when that will be.  But I hope you are enjoying the pictures!
Today we road through Cleveland. There haven't been too many big cities on this trip, so Cleveland was a welcomed change from small towns, corn and soybeans.
This morning we had no idea where we would be staying. A few days ago we started contacting warmshowers hosts since there are no places to camp. One guy, Bryan, did get back to us, but he was out of town and could no host, and offered to, "shake the tree" and found us a place to stay. We all assumed that he knew the people he see us up with, but it turns out he went on and started calling people on our behaf! That's incredible, he doesn't know us at all, yet he was willing to call strangers for us so that we would have a place to stay.

1 comment:

Scruffyetc. said...

I hope you two are thinking about the possibility of writing a book, or doing an album of your pictures - this has been the most fascinating trip (for those of us who aren't riding bikes!) Stay safe.

aunt lynda