Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 71

Raquette Lake,NY - North Hudson,NY (60 miles)

Today started with rain. Actually, it started with me not being able to sleep because I kept hearing things rustling outside our tent - terrifying. Anyway, the rain started just before 7am and stopped around 10am. At one point the pond that had formed in front of Sara's tent had seeped its way into her tent. Eww. So the three of us packed up our bikes in the rain and went on our soggie way.

Once the rain stopped, out came the humidity. It got into the low 70's, and the sun never came out from behind the haze, but man was it humid! Jeremy's t-shirt was drenched after only an hour of riding. That hasn't happened since Michigan.

Since our tents were a wet mess and the forcast showed thunder storms during the night we decided to treat ourselves to a motel. I think I could have riden 80 miles today knowing that we would not be climbing into a soggie, dirt-caked tent. It's the small things that make us happy.

1 comment:

deb gibbs said...

Beautiful pictures, Jamie!!!