Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Big plans for our back yard

One of the reasons we decided to live where we do was the MASSIVE backyard. Seriously, it's huge considering we are in a city. There is a good sized concrete slab just off our pouch, but the rest is open, with a great amount of sun (and shade, if desired).

Upon moving in, we began dreaming up how we could turn this urban lot into a productive and insect friendly space. We both love bees and monarch butterflies, hence the want of insects. Raised beds, perennial natives, compost bin, rain barrel, bird houses - you name it, we want it. But now the time has come, the question becomes, so what first? What is our priority?

-- Raised beds.  We have limited funds, so 6 beds are out of the picture. Maybe 2? And do some containers?
-- Compost bin Sure, we can build one out of found material.
-- Rain barrel. Hmm, maybe next year? Where do you even get one of those?
-- Perennials! I think there are already some planted along the fence, so we'll see what comes up and go from there.
-- Bird boxes. We got one for Christmas, now we just need a spot for it....

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