Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back Yard Birdies

What I love most about where we live is our small backyard and it's abundance of birds (and the occasional squirrel or cat). They have been in entertainment through the fall, winter and continue to entertain me even during our dreary spring.

Just the other day a little House Wren was sitting on a branch in the tree near our kitchen window and it had this little stick in its beak. And it must have sat there for 5 minutes (seriously - I watched it an giggled for a few minutes, went and got my camera) and then it dropped the stick and flew over to a little bush were there was another House Wren and it just jabbered away until the other wren flew away.

And the Grackles will pick up acorns and try to swallow them, but they can't, they're too big for their mouths, so they will pick them up try to swallow them, drop them, pick them up, drop them and so on.

Anyway, I thought I should probably write down the birds we have in our back yard, so here's the list. When I see a new bird I'll be sure to update it :)

* Northern Cardinals (2 - a pair)
* Blue Jays (most of the time 1-3, sometime more!)
* House Wrens (at least 2)
* White-throated Sparrows (crap loads)
* Common Grackles (3-5)
* Northern Flickers (2 - I think they are a pair)
* American Robins (3-5 - one is the fattest little thing you've ever seen)


Brian said...

Do you have different kinds of feed up as that may attract a wider variety?

Jeremy and Jamie said...

nope, we don't feed them! just live in the city.