Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tiny greenhouses

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to make things out of "trash". My latest protect came about because we are growing seedlings indoors and it has been a challenge to get then to germinate since it so chilly in our house.

I was over at a friend's house who was also starting seeds. We had planted our seeds just days apart, but her seeds had germinated way more quickly. She had also bought a seedling tray that came with a clear plastic top to keep heat in. That got me thinking. How can I give my seeds a greenhouse without buying something? The answer was in our recycling bin. Ta-da! A strawberry container makes a wonderful little greenhouse!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Backyard composting

I will be the first to admit that our compost containment (it's hardly a bin) could use a little work, BUT it's a start! I think we will be doing a static pile for the most part so once we get some hardwarecloth to close it off and firm it up a bit I think we will be good to go.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seedlings update

It has been almost a month (well, 20 days) since we planted our first round of seeds.We have a funny little set up. The seedlings are next to our large south facing window and we have a LED daylight bulb on them as well. The soil wasn't getting very warm, so we started covering our trays with plastic wrap, and then covering them with a towel at night, which seemed to help.

I'm happy to say that as of today, at least one of each kind of seed we planted in the first round has germinated. Hooray!

1. Lettuce (8 days)
2. Spinach (10 days)
3. Onions (13 days)
4. Basil (16 days)
5. Green Peppers (20 days)

Today also marked round 2 of seed planting, however it wasn't was as larger of an event - just dino kale. We were told by a few people that they started too many tomatoes and we were more than welcome to them, so those are covered.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Left-handed knitting

Lefties make up 12.5% of the world's population. If you are right-handed you are probably thinking, ok, cool statistic, but what's the big deal? If your left-handed you are probably think, hmm, so there about 700 million other people who can relate. Now, I wouldn't call myself a pure lefty as there is a whole list of things I do right-handed, but I still do most with my left. One of those things is knit.
About two months ago I got serious about learning how to knit. My grandma tried to teach me when I was twelve, but resorted to teaching me how to crochette. The problem was that my grandma is right-handed and I am not. So after probably an hour of me not getting it my grandma taught herself how to crochette left-handed so she could show me.  Then jokingly anounced that I was on my own if I wanted to learn to knit.  Sixteen years later I figured it was time to learn.
A number of people told me that knitting is "so easy". All of those people where right-handed, and had someone who were able to teach them.  I had YouTube to teach me - not easy, but also not impossible. Sadly YouTube can't tell you when you make a mistake or how to fix it. But with enough patience it is possible to make sence of knitting left-handed by referencing only the internet.
My first real project was a hat, which I gave to my grandma.