Friday, March 2, 2012

Acoustic Open Stage at Linnemans

So Jeremy has been playing blue grass with a group guys for three months now. They'll meet up at our friend Ivan's house (who is from Waterford, PA, plays banjo and has two of the coolest people for parents)on Thursday nights. Generally I don't go watch them play since they jam until about midnight, but on occasion I'll watch them and hangout with Ivan's girl friend Kate (all around great person: swim coach, baker, web designer.)

Anyway, last Thurday I did go watch them play. I did't have to work the next morning so I could stay out as late as I wanted. They had a great little practice and they even recorded a few of their songs just to see how it sounded. Next thing I know, they are talking about playing on Wednesday rather than on Thursday because there is an open mic night at a bar called Linnemans which wasn't too far away. And practice continued.

The next morning Jeremy asked me, "did we agree to play at an open mic night last night? Because I'm not sure if we are ready for that". Well, ready or not, they did play on Wednesday. Enjoy.


deb gibbs said...

very cool....i take it jeremy was playing the washboard.

LKL said...

I LOVE IT!! The phantom legs in the background! You all are amazing!! Can't wait to see you live!

Amy E. said...

Sounds great!