Sunday, April 5, 2015

Thoughts on being pregnant: week 37

Pregnancy has been pretty boring thus far. No morning sickness. No weird cravings. Baby's heads down. I was feeling.pretty good about things. This week changed that.

Two weeks ago I measured small. Then last week I measured small again, so my doctor had me go for an ultrasound. I went in  on Friday and baby measured fine - about 5.5 pounds. But contrary to what I had been told, baby was sitting breech. And I was low on ambiotic fluid. Wait, what? These were two unexpected findings. The doctor was worried that I was leaking fluid, so I had to get tested that day and come back for another ultrasound on Monday. If for some reason I was leaking fluid, or my water had broke without me realizing, I was told that I would be induced. Good news is there was no leak. Had my water broken I would have been scheduled for a c-section that day, and lord knows we were not ready for that.  But that still didn't explain the low fluid. Should I be worried? How low can I be before it is dangerous? Do I just need to drink more liquid? And the baby is breech, does that mean I am going to need a c-section regardless? Is there still time to get baby to turn?

So much left unknown.

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