Monday, June 16, 2008

He is good and I'll be fine

There is one month before Jeremy and I are on our way to the Czech Republic, and each day it becomes more real for me. We have our flight information, we just received our Eurail passes, we have started sorting our what we are going to take and each day we get a little more comfortable with what we know of the language. 30 days, that's all we have, which is exciting, yet nerve wracking at the same time. What is it going to be like? Are they going to like us? Are our classes going to go well? There are hundreds of other questions that float in and out of my mind, and Jeremy is always there to reassure me that we are going to be fine. Honestly, there are times that I become overwhelmed thinking about our move, and that's when I need to remind myself that God has been preparing us for this move and there are things we are not going to know, which is good. If we knew everything that we would encounter and learn, would we be going? Yet, regardless of how nervous I get, God is going to be there, pointing out in small ways that He is good and I'll be fine. Being a nervous person, God does this all the time for me, through His creation and art. I have noticed that the closer we get to our move the more I want to paint, and I am getting really excited about learning about their art forms and seeing the creativity of the students we will be working with. Art is everywhere, in every culture, and enjoyed by millions of people all over the earth and is one way that we can learn about and accept one other. Praise the Lord, for He is good.

Here are my most resent paintings:


Nicole said...


I love the paintings and I love how you spelled "recent." :)

I also am praying muchly for you both and am excited to hear about your adventures in the Czech Republic and with Jan. I'm actually kinda jealous, but it's okay. :)

loove you.

Unknown said...

Amazing art I must say Mrs. Ault I miss you two, but at the same time I am so excited for yall to head off to the Czech. I can't wait to hear, and read about all the Amazing thing God will do through the two of you. Just remember that this trip is a Divine Appointment. Your Trip, and everything you go through their was designated by your creator.

I'm also glad to inform you that summer camp here at Willson is in full swing, and Eric, and myself are truly enjoying it. All that worrying has been put aside (even tho there are still tons of things I'm not happy about)

Well kiddies Peace.


sunshine said...
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sunshine said...

Dearest D.C.,
Your mom just shared your blog with me...
great paintings!...must be the D. family genes! :-)
Anyway, just want to say that you are, as always, in my prayers. I know the Lord has great plans for you and J.
Come see me if you are in the area before you leave; otherwise, hope to at least see you 6/12.
Blessed love, At C

grandmad said...

Hi Jamie Doll and Jeremy, I love your paintings. I think about you and pray for you every day. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs as you travel through the country. Love you, GrandmaD