Friday, June 6, 2008


A few weeks ago, I posted a story about my thoughts while watching a raccoon die. I believe I need to elaborate: I was fighting to grasp evil. I concluded by saying that God works through evil; but, I want to be clear when I say that.

Evil is not the vehicle through which virtue can stand. If that were the case, rape could be seen as a way for God's glory to shine; yet, rape does not point to God, eventhough one's actions, to help the victim, do. Wrongs and injustice cannot and should not be justified by the "good" that comes out.

N. T. Wright has a great quote:

"If we can work toward understanding and being the willing agents of both the divine tears over the world's evil and the fresh creativity that sends out the dove to find new olive branches emerging from the waters of chaos, we shall, I think, be on the right track."

just was thinking and reading.....

6 weeks until Jamie and I leave! We started to organize what we will need to pack; it is sooooo close.

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