Thursday, December 18, 2008

Natalie in Policka!

I feel that since our move from PA to Policka Jeremy and I have been very blessed in the number of visitors we have had. Our first being our friend Dave, whom we went to college with and was studying a semester at Oxford. Kyle, whom we met in Amsterdam, and Abe, Kyle's, where the second. And last but not least, another friend from college, Natalie, who just finished a semester studying in Russia.

So on December 14th we picked Natalie up in Prague and brought her back to Policka. There has been so much happening lately, and it was so nice to have a visitor who understands living in a culture that is completely different. The 3 hour train ride to Policka was great, we talked about her time in Russia, our classes, how we help with the church, and bonded over the difficulties with learning a slavic language.

On Monday we took Natalie around Policka and then went by bus to Litomysl, a larger nearby town. I feel like this is a good time to explain the pictures I posted. The first is in Prague and the other two are in Litomysl. I wanted Natalie to see the castle, and there are some other fun things to take pictures by: a very large chain and a pool that has 5 naked scuptures around it (4 women and one man). The chair was already being used for a photo shoot, so we went to pose by the naked people. I think the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Anyway, after hanging out in Litomysl, we went to have dinner with our friend Magda and her two girls Klara and Bara. It was an enjoyable night, full of good conversation and laughter. The next morning Natalie was on her way back to Prague.
We understand that it is difficult for people to come see us, mainly because of the cost of the ticket, but please know that we are thankful and appreciate every e-mail, letter, card and package we have recieved. Thank you for all your warm thoughts and prayers. Hopefully you will be able to have a good picture of what is it like here through our blog.

1 comment:

Sallie Newsham said...

Jamie and Jeremy, How wonderful that you have had friends come to visit.....expecially at this time of year when I am sure you are missing family and friends a lot. Tonight we are getting ready for a storm that will bring anywhere from 12-24 inches of snow. argh!