Sunday, October 4, 2009

Caramel Apple Pops

Before coming to the Czech Repulic I bought a bag go caramel apple pops at Odd Lots (Big Lots for those of you who dont work at camp) in Bellefontaine, OH. I should have bought two, since they are so hard to come by, but hidensight is 20/20. The other day I realized that I only have 3 left. Yes it saddened me that my favorate candy is almost gone, but more so because of what these lolly pops have come to represent in my life.

I remember when they first came out in 1995, I was in 5th grade, and they were the "cool thing" to have, plus they were great tasting, so would buy them when I had the chance (our school store sold them for a quarter). I would eat them on the bus ride home with my friend Amanda while we played cards (she always kicked my butt) or made string friendship bracelets. They lasted longer that most suckers because the caramel would get stuck our teeth and roof of our mouths and would take the entire hour ride home to eat.

They also remind me of highschool football games, because a friend of our family, Dave Jasek, would being a bag of suckers (caramel apple pops and tootsie pops) to every GM football game. After graduating, I would come back for some GM games and always make sure I had a lollypop for Dave since he has generously suppied our cheering section with them for atleast the 8 years I had gone to games.

Consiquently, since moving to Policka I have had a caramel apple pop in a cup on our desk with pens and scissors, as a reminder of home. So I guess this brings me to my shameless plea. If someone could send a bag of caramel apple pops it would really make my day (plus, we have some friends here that I have shared them with and I'm sure they wouldn't mind having another one :) )

1 comment:

deb gibbs said...

jamie, i hope you have recieved your pops by now..if not, they will be there soon!! enjoy!! love, mom

P.S> i have more here for later :)