Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween came early in Policka (Oct. 27th) but no one seemed to mind. Both kids and volunteers were just as excited as ever, and they had good reason! This year we turned the sanctuary of the church into a haunted maze, which meant tons of bed sheets, rope and boxes, as well as candles, tombstones, jack-o-lanterns and ghosts (everything to make a confusing journey through the sanctury a bit more fightening). Upstairs we had games, candy and other prizes, a spooky snack and a costume contest.

Our party started at 6pm and volunteers came at 5:30 to help with some finishing touches (putting bike lights and glow sticks in the maze) and kids started arriving at about quarter to 6. I must admit I was shocked by the number of kids waiting when I went upstairs to welcome everyone to the party (40 kids and 10 adults). The main part of the party was the haunted maze, but everyone couldn't go through it at once, so upstairs we had games and prizes to keep them busy while they waited for their turn to go through the maze. After going through the maze kids either told me they wanted to go again or that it was really scary; both responses were good to hear. The party was a success. The kids all went home with a smile and a bag full of candy.

Jeremy and I had a lot of help setting up the maze and game room the day before, as well as on the night of the party. We would like to thank everyone who helped, especially those where were upstairs with me and those who were in the maze being scary. The party would not have been as great a success without your help. Thank you. Also, a special thanks to those who sent us things for the party from the U.S.; the kids had a great time. Thanks for all your help :)


deb gibbs said...

i love the costumes! looks like everyone had fun making them.
jeremy, the pipe and mustashe along with the hat were perfect!!
i'm glad you had such a good turnout this had to feel great. keep up the work!
hugs, mom

Grandma D said...

Looks like you out-did yourselves this year. The costumes were very imginative. Was that you Jamie, dressed like a mummy in the picture? Love you, Grandma D