Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh no, I don't have my calender...

Oh no, I don't have my calendar...this often pops into my head and I begin to panic a little. Did I lose it or is it just at home on the table? I'll search through my bag once or twice more before giving up and writing the information what needs to go into my planner temporarily on the back of my hand.

In many ways I'm completely dependent on my 2-year planner, since I would probably forget many the things that Jeremy and I have planned for the church or the days and at what time we will hangout with friend. However, it's also a good way for me to look back on what we have done over the past two years and remember things a little more clearly. For example, I can look back and see that on June 17th, 2008 we went to Kennywood with some of our friends for Beaver county just before we left for the Czech Republic, on October 18th, 2008 we went to Jitka's house for the first time, on April 7th, 2009 Jeremy met our friend Vlada at Tesco so they could go on a run together, on December 12th 2009, we spent the day with Honza and his mom and on April 10th, 2010 we will going to Moravsky Krumlov with Jarda.

But my planner is not only filled with past and future plans, but with new Czech words, phone numbers, birthdays, favorite Czech meals, to do lists, book titles and music groups. And about a month ago I was happy to find that I was not the only person who seemed to write everything and anything in their planner. The grandmother of our good friend Filip (Frantiska) also writes down everything, including daily temperature and if it rained, snowed or was sunny. She has 30 years of past calendars that she can look back at and see what was going on in her life, and she told me she is going to continue to do so because it helps her remember each year, since time goes so fast (plus it's really interesting!). Frantiska is proud of the fact that she can look and see what the coldest day was during the last 30 years, when the earliest spring weather arrived, what she was doing when communism fell and when her grandchildren were born. And it makes me happy that Jeremy and I have also made it onto her calendar because I know that when she looks at 2009 and 2010 she will remember us too.

I guess that's what I'm trying to get at. I hate that I'm completely dependent on my planner, but I love the fact that there is so much written in it and I can see how much we have done and some of the things we have learned.

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