Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yellow bellied sapsucker.

Today I went for a walk with our friend Katie while Jeremy was helping Ivan fix his bike, and on our way to Pick N Save (grocery store) I saw a little black and white bird laying on the ground next to a house with two large windows. my first thought was that I was going to walk up on a really disoriented bird that had flown into the window. After getting closer I found that it had flown into the window, but rather than being cute and dizzy it had died. The first emotion to come was sadness because birds are amazing and I don't like seeing dead animals. But then I got curious. Obviously I have seen birds before, but generally not this close up. So I got a stick and checked out it's feet and wings, and flipped it over to see it's back and belly. I was still sad, but more fascinated in seeing this bird up close, so I called Jeremy. And called. And called. Oh yeah, he was helping Ivan fix his bike - his phone was upstairs in their house. So me being me I found a plastic bag, picked up the bird and carried it back to the house to show Jeremy. After a little "awww" of pity we identified it (yellow bellied sapsucker - male), took a few pictures and then buried it in our friend's flower bed. I wish I had found a live bird, but I am thankful to have had such a learning experience.

1 comment:

deb gibbs said...

too funny that you took it to jeremy, but i guess i'm not really surprised :) we have had yellow bellied sap suckers in our yard many times. they like to drill holes in your trees...infact they killed two young trees in our from yard years ago because they ringed the trees with holes.