Sunday, September 22, 2013

Welcome to Little Bridge Farm

Since the end of our trip we have been hanging out in Dresden with Jeremy's brother Jon and their parents. Jon leases land on Bridge Farm, and is the owner/opperator of Little Bridge Farm.
Bridge Farm is a 28-acre organic farm, established in 1763. Jon leases about an acre of land for growing vegetables as well as raising chickens. It is a beautiful farm and the perfect place to spend some time and decompress from our tour. I must admit though, it has been five days since we finished and I was itching to get back on my bike two days ago. I guess riding across the country has only strengthened our cycling addiction.
It has been really great living on a farm the last five days. There are fresh veggies everywhere! I think the amount of vegetables we have consumed since finishing is double or triple the amount we had eaten in 78 days. It still shocks me how difficult it was to find fresh food on our tour!
The best part about finishing in Dresden, besides the veggies, has been being able to spend time with Jon and Jeremy's parents. It's funny, before we left, Jeremy's parents told us that they would be at Jon's place September 16th and that we better be there. Of course we said we would try our best, but to not get their hopes up. We had no idea how long it would take us. Somehow we ended up arriving at the same time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I spend part of my past weekend on an organic farm. I have some great produce and teas. Would love to spend a longer time. Glad you could enjoy it.