Friday, March 21, 2014

Seeds and Soil

The other day we got seeds. Not all our seeds, but most of them. It's fun picking out seeds, it's like going to the grocery store...but then having to wait two or three months before you get to eat... It is hard not to get carried away though.

Originally we planned on getting:
-- carrots
-- peas
-- beans
-- green peppers (starts)
-- tomato (starts)
-- lettuce

And then I came home with:
-- carrots
-- peas
-- beans
-- red peppers
-- kale
-- basil
-- onions
-- lettuce
-- spinach

And my seed wish list has grown:
-- parsley
-- parsnip

The issue now is getting all these seeds tucked away into soil and germinating. We have a huge south facing window in our kitchen, BUT we also have a cat...who gets into everything. And how many seeds should we plant? We don't even know how many beds we will have. Or if we are going to do containers. More importantly, where are we going to get soil?! Or should we get our soil tested?

Good thing warm weathered is taking it's merry old time getting here....

1 comment:

deb gibbs said...

grandpa gibbs will be proud of you!