Saturday, January 17, 2015

Thoughts on being pregnant: 25 weeks

"Are you expecting?"
"Nah, it's just a new diet I've been trying."

It's becoming more apparent now that I am pregnant, but I am also still small enough that people still wonder. It is interesting how many people comment about my size or ask me how I am feeling.  I don't mind these questions at all, but I know that some women find them annoying or invasive. The more questions people ask me, the more I come to reflect on what is actually happening to my body. 

I am currently at 25 weeks.  I've gained 10 pounds and my waist size has grown from 28 inches to 34. Like I mentioned before, most
people comment that I'm small for how far along I am.  I used to wonder myself if something was wrong since there is a woman at work who is at 27 weeks and she is huge, but my doctor doesn't seem to be concerned.  Also, adding 10 pounds and 6 inches to my body is no small change!  I might not look it, but I feel massive.

Thankfully, I have felt pretty normal thus far.  During the first trimester, I was tired and hungry all the time, but I didn't have any morning sickness.  However I was also biking 20 miles a day to work, so that might have had something to do with my appetite! Because I was so active, Jeremy found it hard to believe that I was actually pregnant.  It wasn't until my first ultrasound that verified that I was at 12 weeks and we saw the baby and heard the heartbeat that it became "real" what we were going to be parents. I continued to bike up until mid November when the weather became too cold/slippery for my commute. I have biked since then, but I have promised myself that if there is snow on the road I will not be risking a fall.

At this point both Jeremy and I have been able to feel Baby Ault moving around for a good month.  Naturally, movements have become more frequent and defined.  There a also patterns in the movements. Baby A is most active in the car, when I am laying down, when I am hungry and after I just ate something.  It has also started to respond to loud sounds, so that means no more No/No practice and shows for me. 

Well, 15 weeks to go!

1 comment:

deb gibbs said...

So glad you posted...I can't believe you only have 15 more weeks left..this is going fast. You look so beautiful and healthy and I am very proud of how you are taking care of your self while growing my grandchild..I love bunches!!XO Mom