Thursday, September 4, 2008

Summer is now over, and a new school year has begun, which means that our English classes will be starting soon. The last week of "summer vacation" ment playing baseball with the Dus children (Marta, Tomas, and Magda), shopping for new shoes and going on a tour of Policka lead by Marta, Madla and Magda (shown in picture to the right). Although we had started work during this time, it still felt like summer. Now that the kids are in school and signing up for afterschool activities it feels like we are getting into a routine, even if all our work is mostly in preparation for our classes. Soon we will be moving into our appartment, which means no more living out of our suitcases; and, we need to start cooking for ourselves! I will be making many of our "american" favorites at first, but I can't wait to learn how to cook Czech meals. The interesting thing about Czech meals is not only the difference in the type of foods served, but also the structure of the meals. In the US, dinner is the largest meal. Here in the CZ, lunch is the biggest meal, and always contains a soup and then the main course. Also, what is eatin for breakfast and dinner are very similar: bread, cheese, and tea. Anna (Jan's wife) has already told me she will teach me how to make some of the soups that Jeremy and I have enjoyed so far, and some of the other meals we have liked. I also recently learned that they make home-made egg noodles here like my great aunt Irene and Betty, so hopefully I will be able to learn to make those as well.


Sallie Newsham said...

Jamie, It sounds like you are going to learn a lot about cooking different things. I think when you get home and come to visit your mom and dad you should have a soup night and invite us! Sounds like things are going well......enjoy your special time. Love, Sallie

Anonymous said...

hey i know a great soup, it has cabbage, beets, onions, horse bones...i think its one of jer's favorite!! ~ash