Sunday, November 2, 2008


Happy Halloween!
Friday evening we had our halloween party, however, the prerations started much soon! We knew that the kids had enjoyed Kati's halloween parties, so we had a lot to live up to. For Jeremy and I, thoughts about halloween started in September, and for students in my English classes halloween started the week before when we made masks for the party.

The saturday before halloween, Jeremy and I (with the help of many volunteers!) turned the sanctuary into a haunted town using a massive amount of cardboard, bedsheets, and glowsticks. The kids went trick-or-treating through the town, which consisted of a butcher shop, bakery, cemetary, school and handfull of houses that made up the town, all of which were inhabited by frightening creatures. All of our helpers did a fantastic job and the party would not have been a success without them! They had a big job to do and it was because them that the haunted street was as good as it was.

We didn't have as many kids as we had expected and it is primarly because the grammer school next door was celebrating it's 80th anniversary, and many of the student and helpers who would have come to our party were required to be at the school. At the end of the halloween party, we descided to go to the "halloween room" at the school, and we saw that the school was packed with parents and students, which was wonderful to see. The teachers and students had decorated the halls with artwork, each classroom was transformed into a living lesson about history or culture and I was personally extremely impressed with what they had done. Even we had less people than we expected I'm sure everyone enjoyed the night and I'm hopeful that atleast a few kids got scared!


deb gibbs said...

j and j, great costumes. it sounds like you created a really fun event for the kids. keep up the good work. love , mom

Sallie Newsham said...

Jamie and Jeremy, How fun that you share so much with the people there. Great job! Love, Sallie