Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Winter's chill is creeping around our bedroom; the windows in our apartment aren't sealed very well, so the sill is really cold when I lean my back against it. In the stores around town, Christmas decorations are lining up in the store-front windows. It is fun to peruse around and see all the excitement that is building. Everywhere I look, I encounter tin foil-wrapped, chocolate Santa Clauses and ginger bread.

This week has seen the arrival of two other Americans to Policka: Abe and Kyle. Both are good ole' western boys, as Kyle is from California and Abe is from Idaho. Jamie and I have opened up our apartment to them and they have since been sleeping on the floor, in our living room. It has been a blessing having them around; we speak in English often and I am relieved that I can speak as fast and with as many slang words as I want. It is comforting to know that Jamie and I can really foster a friendship without the worry of being misunderstood.

I am still a newcomer to the Czech Republic, but I am amazed at how long ago July seems. Each day I am getting more comfortable in my surroundings and I am pretty confident that I am able to anticipate the problems and frustrations that are inevitable when living in a foreign country. My Czech is coming along slowly thanks to the help of a wonderful couple: Valda and Lydia Hancil. They have personally taken up the torch to get me speaking Czech by having lessons every week. Usually the lessons consist of a complete bombardment of words and grammar rules. Confusion and frustration are always right around the corner, but then, miraculously, I understand a sentence and I feel much better. Learning a language is a task like no other; it requires patience, confidence and the willingness to fail. And, I do fail often.

Anyways, back to Kyle and Abe. Four months ago Jamie and I were traveling around Europe and made a stop in Amsterdam. We stayed at a hostel that was located right in center of the red-light district. Kyle happened to be in his first week working as a hostel employee and he was on duty the night that Jamie and I strolled in. I remember really liking his beard and thinking that he seemed like the type of personality that I would get along with. I don't know, this might sound crazy, but I think we were friends right away. Kyle explained to us that he had moved to Amsterdam and would be staying there for a few months, but planned on traveling in November. I asked him if he was coming to the Czech Republic. Kyle replied,that not only had he thought about journeying into Central Europe, but was determined to get there, as he deemed it one of his "top" destinations. We had known him for four minutes, but it was natural, we invited him to stay in Policka with us for however long he wanted. Many emails passed back and forth and one friend joined the party, as Kyle planned on having his buddy Abe come and travel with him. And, true to each others' word, they arrived and we gave them a place to stay. Thus, for the past four days, Abe and Kyle have sampled the beer, met some crazy Czech friends, indulged in the best of Czech cuisine and shared their stories and passions with us. All in all, it has been a fun week.


Sallie Newsham said...

Jeremy and Jamie, How nice that you opened your home to others. I bet is is fun to chat with people from "home." I have met people that I felt a friendship with right away. It is a good feeling. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving. Love, Sallie

Grandma D said...

I like your pictures especially the "Great Escape". What's t he story there? Love, Grandma D

deb gibbs said...

it sounds like you had a fun week with new friends!! jamie, i love your pictures. love mom