Saturday, March 14, 2015

Thoughts on being pregnant: week 33

I've gotten to the point in my pregnancy when things are starting to get uncomfortable and challenging. I need help with my socks and shoes. I get stuck when trying to roll over in bed. My calf muscles are in knots. And I have to hold my abdomen during every sneeze. All this being said, pregnancy is still a fascinating and surreal experience.

I have always known that babies live and grow surrounded by fluid, however it hasn't been until recently that I connected all of our babies movements to that fluid. When I am standing baby is sitting
low. When I sit down baby gets pushed up into my rib cage. When I'm on my side it slides to that side and then when I roll over it sloshed over to the other side. And then of course there are all the little kicks and jabs. None of these movements would be possible without fluid.

It has also been crazy to think about ALL the changes that are occurring in my body in preparation. My body is storing fat to make milk. My abs split in half to make room for my uterus to grow. My hips are widening. There is more blood in my body. My breasts are huge, well huge for me. Of course this all makes sense since we are mammals and there is a little human growing inside me.  But unlike most mammals, human babies come out of their mothers three months prematurely, rendering them helpless. But if they stayed in their mother any longer than 42 weeks it would be impossible for them to fit through the birth canal. Then as a mammal, once the baby is here, my body will be making food for it. Weird.

I'm now 20 pounds heavier and my waist line is at 38 inches. Seven weeks to go!

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