Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 29

Napoleon,ND - Gackle,ND (38 miles)

Today we didn't make it as far as planned. There was minimal wind, however there was a storm cloud stalking us. We stopped in Gackle to get some lunch and it started raining on us, but luck was on our side and there was a warmshowers host (Jason and Ginny) just down the road. So we road over, parked our bikes in their garage and did our laundry. And then the sun came out...and the question became, do we stay the night is do we push on? We got rained on the day before, did we want to chance getting wet again, possibly thunderstormed on? Nope, so we stayed in Gackle at the Honey Hub. I'm really glad that we did because we got to talk with the Millers about their large scale beekeeping operation.

Tomorrow we are supposed to have a tail wind....Fargo or bust!

1 comment:

Miller Family said...

It was great meeting you guys. Happy trails out there!