Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 7

Republic,WA - Coleville,WA (63 miles)

Today was hard. We had the challenge if going over Sherman pass, which would be our highest pass thus far. It seemed endless. The last 4 miles felt like each turn could be the top. It was around that same time that we noticed the storm clouds following us up the mountain. Then the thunder started.
Once we finally got to the top, all of us exhausted, I asked Sara what that temperature was. 57 degrees, 33 degrees cooler than when we had started our ascent. No wonder I was freezing! And it only felt colder as we rode down the mountain, attempting to beat the storm.

We were almost to the bottom when the rain started. Quickly we stopped to put on our rain jackets. No more than two minutes later there was a flash of lightening, a crash of thunder, and the rain was coming down hard. Really hard, but we weren't getting wet, it was hail. Moments later we were on the side of the road frantically unfolding our tarp for protection. Under the safety of the tarp all three of us couldn't help but laugh. The hail turned to rain and as abruptly as it began it ended.

Exhausted, cold and wet we made it to the bottom, and our quest for food began. We started talking about our favorite foods and if we thought Kettle Falls would have a buffet or not. They do not, but we found a little Mexican resturant - burritos all around!

With full bellies we made our way toward Coleville where we would be sleeping. It was a beautiful ride, up and down rolling hills. It really reminded Jeremy and me of the Laurel highlands in PA. However my body was tired of the hills and the final few before our destination I'll admit that walked my bike up them.

It will feel great to sleep in a bed tonight! Tomorrow we have one last small climb before it flattens out for a bit.

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